Lily Grimes
is a London based Cinematographer coming from 13 years of international news and documentary
Since graduating the Cinematography MA at NFTS Lily shoots short films, artist films, documentary, TV drama, music videos and online commercials
Selected by Cannes Film Festival, Lily’s films won an RTS award and she was runner up BSC Emerging Cinematographer
Lily’s films have been selected by over 80 film festivals, winning at the RTS Awards, Kodak Student Awards, Norwich Film Festival, Shooting People, Calcutta, Bucharest, L’Age D’Or, Virgin Spring Cinefest and more…
And competing at Sydney Women's International Film Festival, Aesthetica, Los Angeles Comedy Festival, Madrid, Canberra, Texas, Nevada and Oregon Short Film Festivals, Austin Lift Off, Bucheon International, Warsaw Animation, South African Independent FF, North Europe International FF, The Smalls and many more…